Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bet you didn't know...

In my spare time I founded a Fortune 500 company

I teach at Berkeley, and I run a drum shop in Vermont

No wonder I never get any writing done.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Global Forces, American Faces: Who Wins? Who Loses?

I am sitting in a class listening to Dave Richardson (Syracuse) talk about some results from recent research by a group of economists at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Here is the summary of the policy implications from this research - "further deepening of America's global engagement needs newly creative, newly effective domestic policy. The recipe for American success involves pairs of ingredients always, cognates, global intiatives paired with domestic initiatives. Without domestic policy innovation, conversely, continued global integration may be unsustainable in this democracy."

Sound familiar - check it out.

Peace, The General